Sketch 31 Now : Sunrise of a Complexity. Asking Right!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Its an age old tradition to use sunrise as a meaning for anything even remotely positive. JK Rowling did this. So did many others. "So why can't I?" Asked somebody.

Another fact, a complexity is anything that one is not aware of now. But once the awareness comes, the complexity is destroyed and becomes simple for that mind.

Asking the right questions! "Alas! How many have been doomed not discovering this!" Said a pirate from 17th centaury.

Its amazing to note how they quote Einstein as having famously said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”

I have two materials for you if you find yourself unable to ask the right questions

  1. How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - this is from 2004, but still used extensively by professionals of some complex human knowledge field who meet noobs from time to time.
  2. Don't ask to ask, just ask - this also has been used by professionals in online communities that deal with a complex topic.

Michael Diamond has summarized smart questions to have three properties. 

  1. It is unexpected.  The presenter has to stop and think.
  2. It’s non-threatening.  In fact, it puts both parties on the same side.
  3. It taps into imagination.  There is a “fun” element to it. 

There it is. So Long! Comment here with some of the smartest questions you ever asked for the sakes of future readers. Especially if that question was asked to someone well out of your league.

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