The key that gives the most opportunities to an individual is a perennial question and a very important aspect of figuring out where to invest your personal and professional development time or to make living-the-life-as-it-comes-by-and-as-the-society-dictates-to-me decisions.
Substance, Style, Fame.
Each of it opens lots of doors. But which opens the most varies across the global industries, international cultures and the personality of the individual asking the question.
Substance is the most revered and respected factor in all this. Because I am built of an "Engineer's" mind. Other engineers around the world would say the same. But so will the doctors, lawyers, politicians, consultants, musicians, directors, athletes and to some people's amazement, "even" "Actors". Thus, substance is a necessity!.
Style is the charisma. Show me 5 leaders with zero charisma and I will show you a living Tyrannosaurus Rex. Yes, they are extinct and can't be found, exactly my point!
Now fame. Oh! Faaime... Faiiime... Faaaaiiime! Look at how the moth flies at the fire and gets burned. yes Fame. Unfortunately in the West, being famous is so much more important than being of substance. And that's all I will say about that.
But if you see anyone being consistently famous whether in the East or the West, thats because they have substance behind them that they developed after becoming famous or before.
Substance, Style and Fame. Have all three of it, but in the required order based on your personality, culture, and the society you are going to influence.
By the way, here is Hollywood’s walk of fame.
Now its time to sign off this overtly out-of-style and pretentious as thezuck piece of typed, copyrighted, and Little Women's-author's-nightmare-themed word collection. Have a good day!